Tuesday, December 1, 2020

A Trip to the Storage Unit for Reinforcements

With some free time this week I figured I'd take a trip down to my storage unit, which has been sat untouched for nearly three years at this point. I knew for sure I'd have a bunch of MESBG models sitting in there, as back in the day I had at least 500pt forces for Minas Tirith, Wood Elves and Easterlings, with a bunch of miscellaenous models courtesy of random allies and the BGiME magazine.

What I found essentially a pile of broken models, and in much lower quantity than expected. I don't recall what happened to most of the models, possible misfortune with house moves and the like. In fact, most of what I found was my Warhammer 40k Orks in huge quantities. Disappointing, but there's enough here that with some repairs, I can kickstart some allied forces for both Rohan and Mordor... maybe.

Minas Tirith

Not a single plastic Warror here has an intact weapon, which is crazy. Not a great loss, as I do have a sprue of of them (not pictured) ready for assembly, but they might suffice as a base for building up some Osgiliath Veterans. Nicely, there is also a fresh sprue of Knights as well, supported by an older metal knight and a banner. With some repairs and extra horses, that gives me a nice heavy cavalry unit.

Other notable survivors are the Fountain Court and Citadel Guardsmen. These need som heavy cleaning, but I can rescue one FC and three Citadel quite easily. Replacement weapons would be needed for the rest. The headless FC Guard (I have no idea) might be good fodder for a character conversion.

There's also three heavily damaged Rangers, which I'll likely toss for the new plastics, and the crew of the Avenger Bolt Thrower, minus the actual siege engine.


Wood Elves (Lothlorien)

Another bunch of weaponless plastic warriors, aside from on plucky spearmen. 
On the metal side, two each surviving Galadhrim swordsmen and archers, plus a banner is great, as I love these models and missed the recent limited run. Two more of each, if they can be repaired, would be a nice start if I add in Haldir.

Rounding these guys up is a Wood Elf Captain and a pair of Sentinels.


Not one to buck a trend, the Easterlings also lack a single weapon, which has been extended to the metal models as well. A shame, as I'd love a phalanx of these golden warriors supporting my Mordor force.

Two Khandish axemen, but no sign of the six horseman I used to have, though three of the Easterling Kataphrakts survived with heavy damage.

Oddly, there are also a pair of Haradrim, possibly coming from my brother's collection.



Though not sizeable, I remember having far more Mordor than pictured here. A handful of damaged Orcs, and three warg riders (one metal, one plastic, one warg-less), was not it. The old Grishnakh is nice though.

Additionally, there is Khamul, though it would've been nice to have his horse.

I threw in the miscellaenous Moria Goblin and pair of Uruk-hai too, but I doubt these will see use.



Few in number, but I'm quite happy to have these. Saruman doesn't fit anywhere, but I appreciate having the model. Likewise for the old metal mounted Gandalf the White. Next to him is the most mangled Boromir, Captain of the White City model I've ever seen. 

Then we have not one, but two Aragorn. The is Helm's Deep vairant, missing his arms and crudely outfitted with a cloak by a younger me. The other is the luckiest find of all. Breaking of the Fellowship Aragorn is my favourite version of him, and I'd been bemoaning the rarity (and subsequent high prices on eBay) of this model. And here he was chilling in storage, completely forgotten about. I'll be repairing him up for sure.

Rounding out the group is Khazad-Dum Gandalf the Grey, another great sculpt, and the original Fellowship Merry, who is perfect for Rohan despite not being armoured.


All in all, not the best haul considering what I used to have, but decent in a few ways. I think with Green Stuff and plasticard I should be able to repair a bunch of these, though many will be resigned to casualties for bases and objective markers. If you have any suggestions at, please pop them in the comments.

Thanks, and see you next time!

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