Well it's been a hot minute since I've been on here. And that's really cos it's taken me a hot minute to finish painting the Rohirrim. Painting was never my favourite part of the hobby, I definitely enjoy building and playing more, so motivation is tricky to get sometimes.
That said, Theoden rides again!
This was the original 300 points I planned for, and was entirely built from the Pelennor Fields box with the exception of the King's Huntsman. I'm incredibly proud of the Royal Guardsman conversions.
I've already got the expansion to 500pts prepared as well:
(Didn't even notice I'd knocked Theoden aside).
This expansion will be a lot quicker to prepare, as I'm using official guardsmen and had already painted one of the additional Outriders. The Deorwine sculpt is fantastic too. In fact, the only work required will be to add a banner to the additional Guard in Theoden's group.
Future expansions will almost definitely be Eomer and some Riders and a decent unit of Grimbold's Helmingas. The inclusion of my Huntsman and unmounted Outriders show it clearly that I did not want to stick to pure cavalry. As I've already planned to get a detachment from Minas Tirith, I felt the Helmingas would form a good hammer to a Gondorian Shieldwall.
This series of posts was supposed to detail the build up of two equal forces, and Mordor has been greatly neglected.
Despite finishing the Kardush conversion and basing and priming the front line Orcs, that remains the full extent of the work. The Troll Chief is still missing an arm! Green Stuff will be employed to finish him up however, as I want him to look as unique as possible.
I have turned an eye to expansion here too:
I've made one and a half Black Numenorians, but I think the first expansion will go to the Ringwraith (a spare Rohan horse and the extra wraith body from the Witch King sprue), and a retinue of Warg Riders. I'm using the Fell Wargs from the Hobbit range here, which are probably amongst the best of that range and I prefer them to the LOTR plastic Wargs (the metal ones are good, but that would be expensive).
The Wargs give the force much needed mobility and ranged power, and a Wraith is always powerful, and synergises well with Kardush.
Let's hope my next update comes along quicker!
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