Sunday, November 8, 2020

Alenostr - Journey in Worldbuilding Part One

Alenostr is my original setting I built for D&D. It was built from an initial source of inspiration that combined three things; Final Fantasy 8's SeeD Gardens, Skyrim's general landscapes and feel, and aspects of Ogres and the world from one of the Dragonlance spin-off books, The Messenger. There's possibly some Game of Thrones in here too, with the Undead that show up. From all of this it became an ice-and-snowbound continent in the southern hemisphere, populated by Ogres, Dwarves and Humans, with Elven Enclaves from across the seas, Goblin Tribes living under the rule of the Ogres, and smaller colonies of Gnomes and Halflings mixed in for good measure. Orcs also feature heavily, as a powerful lost civilisation that once ruled a large portion of the continent, and the cycle of the rise and fall of empires has seen the Dwarves recently lose their own, overthrown by the Ogres, once vassals of the Dwarves but stirred to action by the mysterious Ogress known as the Enchantress.

It is a deeply magical land. Some areas have a noticeable aura of magical energies, sometimes manifesting into crystalline chunks known as Magicite. The forests of the region hold many magical creatures, as well as a high number of Dryads and other nature spirits that call to Elf and Druid alike, but are threatened by an ancient Witch and a coven of Vampires. The two are antithesis too the other almost.

Undead creatures stalk the underground areas heavily, many gathered around a Necropolis buried within a swamp near the borders of The Vale. Such is the regularity of spirits manifesting in the region, three Elven brothers set up a school each to train and equip a force of Paladins known as the Urdjan Knights to combat the more dangerous spirits and lay to rest those that are lost.

More mundane affairs also keep tension high in the region. The new Ogre Empire seeks to destroy the Vale to complete their conquest of the old Dwarven Lands. The Dwarven Remnant themselves are on a constant war footing, and their Ironclads regularly see combat with Ogre Galleons in Whitefish Bay. The Vademorian Empire and Odagard stand in an flimsy cease-fire presided over by the Elves. The barbarian Human Tribes of the North West raid both The Vale and Odagard looking for resources unavailable on the tundra of their homelands. Human and Halforc Steppe Tribes similarly assail Vademor from the North.

Above it all the Gods of Dwarf and Ogre drive their subjects forwards, and the Orc Gods of old are stirring once more. Darker, more primordial forces lurk at the edges of it all.

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This custom made map was a labour of love, created using random noise, then populated with custom-made stamps for mountains and forests.

Regions of Alenostr


Home to various nomadic tribes that are descendants of human and Orc, to the point that no member of any tribe is purely one or the other. They are largely insular, though will occasionally send out either caravans and circus troops, or raiding parties into the border towns of Vademor or Odgard.


The Vademorian Empire is ruled by Emperor ... and a Senate of High Lords. They are one of the most technologically advanced civilisations in Alenostr, owed in part being home to most of the Gnomes on the continent and trade deals with the Dwarves before the fall of their Empire. It is also home to a coven of Vampires, though little is known about them or their intentions.

Vademor had been in near-constant war with Odagard, and recently launched it's first airship to counter the Griffon Knights of the neighbouring country.


Odagard is ruled by Tsarina Natalya Odesvarin It is a rather militaristic and traditional country, and its Warriors are renowned for their individual prowess and discipline. Chief amongst this reputation are the Griffon Knights, known as the Winged Lancers, who hatch and train their mounts as part of their own training.

The Tsarina's Great Grandfather was the first to welcome the Elves to the shores of Alenostr, and it was his hospitality that sees the Elven Enclaves placed on Odgard's Northern border.

Odagard is notable in that it's primary religion follows Ursen, a lesser god also worshipped by tribes to the east, rather than following the major pantheon seen elsewhere.

Elven Enclaves

Elves are not native to Alenostr, instead they came from across the seas to study the odd seasonal shifts on the continent, and the steadily encroaching ice-age that appears to be slowly gripping more and more it. The Enclave that settled here is largely comprised of a Druid's Circle, though a number of sailors and Rangers are also in attendance.

They are not the first Elves to set up on Alenostr however, that honour would go to the Headmasters of the Acadamies.

The Vale

The last holdout of what was once the Dwarven Empire, this vassal-land largely inhabited by humans under a line of Thanes under the name "Valesborn". There is also a Halfling village and a sizeable number of dwarves. The Vale was the breadbasket of the empire, and saved nominally by luck of geography, the surrounding swamps and a hastily erected fort at the pass in the Border Mountains saved it from the falling to the Enchantress.

It still stands in opposition now, defending against near constant assault, assisted by the Dwarven Remnant and Andros Ashwind's Academy, as the latter sits on it's eastern border. 

Ogre Holds

The seized lands of the Dwarves now under the firm rule of the Enchantress. Not home to just Ogres, she also rules over numerous Goblin Tribes and a number of Giants. The Ogre Holds seem to the source of the worsening cold gripping the whole of Alenostr, but if this is the work of the Enchantress or her God, the Titan Thymir, nobody knows.

The Academies are particularly concerned with this area, as it was home to the youngest brothers school.


The city of Falstad started life as a port for smugglers and pirates, but grew into a bustling city state several centuries before the fall of the Dwarven Empire. Whilst it now resembles a city of art and culture, it's origins are still apparent if you know where to look. 

Falstad is similarly famous for its mercenary bands, who can be seen plying their trade even across the ocean.

Dwarven Remnant

What was once a simple mining colony became the new home and capital of the Dwarves under King Goldcrest when they were forced to flee their homeland. These days, it's hard to tell where military encampment ends and civilian life starts. The Dwarves are a hardened people with a grudge to pay off.

So that's a broad overview of the major polities and factions in Alenostr. Most of the world-building from here on took place within The Vale, due to where gameplay took place, though other locations gained detail as needed throughout play. I intend to continue this series to delve deeper into each reason and solidfy some of the details, starting naturally with The Vale.

See you next time!

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