Monday, November 2, 2020

My D&D Characters in MESBG

Even as a kid I wanted to see the Heroes of my own imagination represented on the Tabletop. I remember making my own "Fellowship" that included a couple of Dunedain and some Dwarves and an Elf (no Hobbits though), they all followed in the trail of the real Fellowship, fighting through Moria and eventually heading up north to Mirkwood and entering the Defence against Sauron's assaults there and at Erebor. When I started playing MESBG, it seemed only natural I would give them their own statlines so I could include them on the tabletop.

Those characters are lost to time, but as I read through the new rulebook I realised I could do the same against for my D&D characters when I read the entry for the spell Nature's Wrath.

The statlines below were designed to be reasonable, and create mid-tier Heroes. They won't be fighting off the likes of Aragorn or Sauron, but they can stand alongside the calibur of Eomer and Lurtz and hold their own. The points values were decided using the chart for determining your Battle Company's Rating from the Battle Companies book, with minor adjustments to balance against existing Heroes (for example, that chart would have Axel cost the same as Gimli, despite being statted slightly weaker).

To actually be used in a game, they should be considered as part of the Wanderers in the Wild list.

So without further ado!

Canis Mallory..............................................................................110pts
Man, Infantry, Hero - Independent Hero
The self-styled "Hammer Druid", Canis is a man who can never sit still and so often finds himself on the road in search of adventure. 

Mv    F     S   D   A   W   C     M   W   F
 6"   5/4+  4   5    2    2    5      2     4    2

Lucern Hammer, Armour.

Lucern Hammer (Active) - This hammer is Canis' signature weapon, which he swings around with surprising strength and finesse.

The Hammer can be wielded as either a two-handed hammer, or a spear.

Heroic Actions
  • Heroic Resolve
  • Heroic Strength
  • Heroic Strike
  • Heroic Defence
Special Rules

Woodland Creature

Power of Nature (Active) - At one with the elements, Canis is able to draw their power from nature before unleashing upon his foes. 

If when a casting test is made, Canis rolls a natural 6 on one or more dice, then the Will Points spent in casting the Magical Power are returned to his store of Will upon completion of the effects of the Magical Power.

Magical Powers          Range       Casting
Nature's Wrath                    6"               5+
Call Winds                         12"              4+
Collapse Rocks                   6"               5+
Panic Steed                         6"               3+
Renew                                12"             5+

Axel Rhom'khul...........................................................................95pts
Dwarf, Infantry, Hero - Independent Hero
The youngest son of a merchant family, Axel instead found his calling a defender of the weak. 

Mv    F     S   D   A   W   C     M   W   F
 5"   5/4+  4   7    2    2    5      3     2    2

Two-Handed Axe, Throwing Axe, Dwarf Bow, Dwarf Armour, Shield.

Heroic Actions
  • Heroic Strength
  • Heroic Strike
  • Heroic Defence
Special Rules

Bodyguard, Burly

And there we have it! This was a fun little exercise just for the two characters shown here, who are by no means the only D&D characters I've created over the years. Tell me about your characters, and whether you'd like to see them statted up to!

Until next time.

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